Gouthami Gadamsetty

Google X sets out to develop a technologically advanced world with products like the Google Glass.
Photo By: Whitten Bumbalough, Photographer

By: Gouthami Gadamsetty, Copy Editor

Google is known for great search engine and personalization, however, many do not know about the groundbreaking advancements that happen in Google headquarters. Google X is a facility, run by Google, that is dedicated to technological advancements.

According to The New York Times, Google X is “a place where your refrigerator could be connected to the Internet, so it could order groceries when they ran low.”

“It’s insane how far Google has come. The little things, such as redesigning the logo for special occasions, make the company that much cooler,” says junior Austin Gootee.

One of Google X’s most well known products is the Google Glass. Although development for this project began in 2010, it wasn’t available for purchase until May 15, 2014. Google Glass has been used for activities ranging from recreational sports to surgical procedures.

In addition to the Google Glass, this experimental department has been developing technology that deals with technologically advanced contact lenses to cars.

Google also began working on “smart lens” technology in 2014. According to Novartis, Google X has teamed up with the company Alcon to develop these lenses that focus on helping diabetes patients monitor the body’s glucose levels and help correct vision to allow people that are legally blind without glasses the opportunity to see with more ease. The lenses use “non-invasive sensors, microchips, and other miniaturized electronics” in order to help.

A completely different field involves the development of Google’s Auto-Driving Cars. As the name suggests, these cars require no steering wheels, pedals, or drivers. According to TechNews, there are two sets of steering and braking systems, just in case one malfunction. The cars can also see through cameras what’s around them up to a distance equal to the length of two football fields through. The speed limit of 25 miles per hour help strengthen the safety. Research is still being conducted to safely increase the speed limit for these cars.

Junior Polina Zhitskay says, “It’s really cool that Google started off as a search engine, but now, it is developing a lot of scientifically mind-blowing programs. I like how Google doesn’t focus on one field; it’s really diverse.”

Google has come a long way since the original search engine was launched. Other Google X projects include Project Loon, Delivery Drone, and an Artificial Neural Network.

Senior Aneesh Jindal says, “There’s so much more [to Google, and it all] has the focus of providing the world access to every piece of knowledge possible. While Google is working on experimental technology, it already has some cool gadgets out. I happen to own an Android Wear watch, which is Google’s smartwatch platform. Being able to search Google from my wrist is mind-boggling.”