Krisha Patel

Featured above are students working to make a poster for the BSU talent show! (insta: seminolebsu)

Chloe Park, Reporter

In honor of Black History Month, Seminole High School’s Black Student Union (BSU) held a student spirit week as well as their annual Black History Month show . It lasted from Feb. 21 to 24, and the spirit days were: Too Smart Tuesday, Black Character Day, Throwback Thursday, and Drip or Drown. Many students around school were seen showing off their spirit and support for Black History Month. On the first day of spirit week, students could dress up in their HBCU apparel; the next day was themed Miles Morales and Penny Proud; on Thursday, the theme was Y2K and 90’s; and the last and final day was to dress in drip.


BSU has not been a part of Seminole for long, it only became an official club last year. This year was BSU’s second year holding their show for Black History Month. Their goal is to “increase campus-wide social awareness & cultural inclusivity, while also building a safe space for Black Students’ (insta: @seminolebsu).


In addition to spirit week, BSU had a talent show on Feb. 25 at the KWC auditorium. With the addition of multiple SHS students, they also presented an act consisting of BSU members. The doors opened at half past four in the afternoon, and the theme was “Sanford Good Times: Because of Them We Can!” 


Alexandra Rendon Valencia, an IB sophomore and a member of BSU, participated in the show.  She recounts her experience participating in the BSU’s show: “Personally, I was one of the speakers and my task was [to give] a brief speech as one of the fun facts. Between acts, two speakers would walk out and say some fun facts about important people or details in Sanford since that was our theme this year. I had Marie Francis, and was placed in the Georgetown section of the show. I memorized a few lines and stepped out with a fellow member to speak our lines.” 


Rendon adds: “My experience in the show was very fun. I had a good time hanging out with my friends backstage and even during the practices we had beforehand. Said practices were actually very helpful since it gave me time to learn my part and get used to being on stage. When it came time for me to speak I was able to do it calmly and confidently which made my experience very positive as a whole.”  


When asked how her experience in the club has been, Redon continues with: “My experience in BSU is great! I love helping out in the community, and the activities we get to do are very entertaining and personally rewarding. The vibes are always entertaining and it always feels like we work together as one group. It really does feel like a community, and working to help ours is always a fun time with everyone else.”


Rendon says her favorite part of BSU is the volunteering aspect of it. She says, “I love serving in the community and helping out whenever possible. Being with my [friends in] BSU makes the experience even better and [more] worthwhile. As an IB student, the volunteer hours we earn are definitely a plus and always help. Combining the academic advantage and the social aspect of volunteering has to be my favorite aspect of the team.”


Many students have felt the same way as Rendon as BSU has a friendly, welcoming atmosphere that makes all their members feel included. The celebration of Black History Month was a huge success overall and has left a lasting memory on those who attended it.