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Sahasra Vemula
Supposed UFO in sky

For years, people all around the world have been trying to prove the existence of extraterrestrial life. Others have spent their time debunking any theories regarding the possible existence of aliens. Despite this, on September 12th, a self-proclaimed UFO expert presented supposed alien remains to Mexico’s Congress. Could it truly be possible that another life, besides humans, exists or is this another false claim?


The self-proclaimed UFO expert, Jaime Maussan, claims that the non-human bodies were recovered in 2017 in the fossilized mines of Cusco, Peru. Maussan supposedly used radiocarbon dating to determine that the remains are at least 1,800 years old. However, when Maussan presented this information at a hearing about AUP, which stands for unidentified anomalous (or aerial) phenomena, he didn’t provide any third-party evidence. In addition, Massuan claims that the DNA on the alleged alien corpses is ‘unknown’. Strangely, upon doing x-rays on the remains, one of the bodies appeared to have ovaries or eggs. The other body had rare metals, like Osmium, embedded into it. If this claim is proven to be true, Mexico will be the first country to formally acknowledge the existence of extraterrestrial creatures. 


Although there is data and evidence supporting Maussan’s claim, Mexican lawmakers are skeptical on whether they should believe this. For decades, he has been studying extraterrestrial occurrences and making extreme claims. This is not the first time Maussan has presented such an assertion. In fact, he regularly appears in Mexican media for the substantial and crazy claims he makes, and they have always been debunked in the end. For example, in 2015, he revealed an alleged alien body that was supposedly found in Nazca, Peru, but this was proven to be false after it was discovered that the mummified corpse was actually a human child with a head deformity. Since Maussan’s claims almost always end up being untrue, many are finding it hard to take this seriously. Further research will play a significant role in proving whether this is just another incorrect discovery, or if we have finally uncovered the existence of aliens.


SHS Junior Marco Esquilin shares his thoughts: “I think the ‘alien bodies’ were fake and set up. The source isn’t reliable, the majority of Jaime Maussan’s theories get debunked so I’m not going to trust his word. But if they do turn out to be real, I’d be pretty excited. Most of my excitement would come from curiosity, like how are they here? Or what things can they do that we can’t? It’d be weird to know we’re not alone in the universe, but I wouldn’t doubt anything after.”


Another SHS Junior, Jesel Riga, explains how she feels: “The idea of aliens existing has always fascinated me. I’ve been studying it for a while and have high hopes for this, although I won’t be surprised if it’s just another hoax. Even if it isn’t true, this still gives me hope that we’re getting close to making a big discovery. Learning about aliens would surely be a big historical event, but it’d lead to a lot of different reactions. I’ve always wondered if we’d ever be in danger because of it, or if we’d form some kind of alliance. Either way, this discovery is really exciting for me personally.”


As these extraterrestrial discoveries continue to amaze the world, it is uncertain whether aliens have just been detected. While some have high hopes regarding the subject, others are unsure on how to feel about this. If the claim is proven to be true, there will be a lot of questions and new things to learn.