Krisha Patel

Pictured above is Ardern announcing her resignation as Prime Minister of New Zealand.

Sahib Talwar, Reporter

Recently, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Kate Laurell Ardern resigned on Jan. 19, 2023, becoming effective this Wednesday, January 25th. Her successor, Chris Hipkins, will shortly be taking over. Ardern entered office in 2017 on Oct. 26, as the 40th prime minister, and leader of the Labour party. 


Ardern is the youngest female leader, in any government, taking on the role of prime minister at the age of 37. She states in an interview with USA Today, “I am not leaving because it was hard. Had that been the case, I probably would have departed two months into the job. I am leaving because with such a privileged role comes responsibility, the responsibility to know when you are the right person to lead, and also when you are not.” 


She later says, “I know what this job takes, and I know that I no longer have enough in the tank to do it justice, It is that simple.”


Seminole High School (SHS) IB senior Hailey Sejpal agrees with Ardern and states,”I believe that in modern day society there’s so much variety in leadership, especially in the government whether it’s local or national. When it comes to the type of leader or the type of government they have to be willing to be the voice of the people. As long as they do that, they affect society positively but when their attitudes change, it can end badly for the public. This is why it’s important to have reliable leaders that have good intentions and an even better heart.” 


Similar to Ardern, when asked how she will feel in a few months, her departing role as president of HOSA, Sejpal says, “For me it’s kind of a bittersweet moment. I’ve been a part of HOSA for almost three years now and an officer for two. While I love leading the club and I am totally going to miss it, I think that other people should get to enjoy the experience as well as the responsibility that comes with being a presiding officer. I believe that the other officers, especially the seniors also would feel the same.”


She expresses that she is leaving with a security that the underclassmen will do great. She expresses that they are resilient and have been offered many opportunities to improve and adapt. 


Sejpal states that, “With new officers, clubs often change. With preparing officers, and giving them rising opportunities, senior officers feel as though a cushion is placed beneath us. We feel a bit more at peace.” 


There are numerous leaders world wide, and they are what makes a society stable, and efficient. Our leader here at SHS is no other than Principal Michael Pfeiffer.


In an interview, Pfeiffer states, “Of course, being the leader of an institution, we are not going to be in that role for the rest of our lives, whether that’s a principal, president, CEO, or governor, we must understand that what we put in place is going to be changed. As leaders we have to be comfortable and acknowledging of that. When societies are in the middle of changing leaders, the preceding leaders can establish a systemic approach for the next leader to follow if they wish, so plans can go in the right direction. It is a little sad when you leave, especially with all of the accomplishments you have made. Although it is difficult to leave, typically you know who the next person is, and you can exchange ideas.”


While being the principal is much different than being an officer of a club, both roles share the absence of permanency. There is always a time to move on.


IB senior, Tabeana Khan, is the treasure of the Leadership organization at SHS and she says, “So I think leaving leadership this year is a little nerve racking but this is why we’re taking the steps now so that our members are ready to fill in. As treasurer, it’s on me to make sure when I leave, at least one person knows how to make purchase orders or order bulk school spirit items to make sure our events look nice. I know the group right now is nervous to take all the board positions for next year, but I definitely have confidence in them and they can always reach out to us. We all feel scared in the beginning of every year, but in the end we pull through and everyone gets the hang of the big roles.”


Pfeiffer, Khan, and Sejpal are all similar in the sense that they are leaders that adapt and change their own domain or community. They make a difference by enacting change and regulations, but also by ensuring that the next leaders are prepared for their role. Leaders make a difference in the community, positively or negatively. A good leader is one that cares for the community and makes changes for a better future.