Sharon Kim

Reporter Zainab Dewji details responses from SHS graduating seniors that include advice for our rising Class of 2027!

Zainab Dewji, Reporter

As the 2022 to 2023 school year comes to an end, seniors say goodbye to the life they have known for the past four years.  While Seminole High School (SHS) wishes the best for the Class of 2023, they welcome the incoming class of 2027 with open arms. To help the new freshmen transition smoothly from middle school, students attending SHS have given advice below. They include important information about high school and how to make the most of their time here at SHS. 


Luisa Pires, a traditional junior here at SHS, shares her advice she would give to incoming students: “The most important part of high school is the educational aspect, but I believe you have to have fun and give yourself grace. But at the same time you have to study and have a schedule and follow it so you can have some success, [which allows you]…to go to the college you want to go to.” 


Piers continues by saying some mistakes she made that incoming students can learn from: “I think I put too much pressure on myself and that’s not good because if you put too much pressure on yourself you can’t accomplish anything.” 


Zia Ali, an IB sophomore at SHS, expands on this idea of self pressure: “High school is a huge change and often we set expectations that we can’t reach. We are so much more than our GPAs and a lot of freshmen don’t realize it. Four years can go by fast but each and every day we have to live in the present. Getting good grades is amazing, but so is making friends that will last a lifetime.”


Ali talks about a life lesson that has helped her balance both her personal and academic life: “Someone once told me you might not meet your groom in high school, but you will definitely meet your bridesmaids. I love to live by that theory. We are put under so much pressure on us in high school that it is unnecessary and we don’t need to be putting that on ourselves. So just live in the moment and enjoy high school. You’re going to have breakdowns and long nights. You are going to make mistakes and that’s completely fine. High school is meant for us to learn not just in a classroom setting, but also in life. So yes you should study hard, but don’t get caught up in the future and forget the present. I feel every freshman needs to hear that.” 

Ananya Ayalasomayajula, an IB freshman this year at SHS, shares her tips for the first year of high school: “Advice I have for incoming ninth graders is stay focused, make a to-do list, get study, and time management. Some mistakes I made are that I didn’t have good time management and study skills.” 


These two skills are crucial in making the most out of your high school career, while also having time for a social life. Without proper balance, you will not be able to make use of the educational and social aspects SHS has to offer. 


Sharing her wisdom and advice on this topic, senior Health Academy student Bishara Matin says “I would advise incoming freshmen to always plan ahead and stay organized. Make sure to choose classes that truly grasp your interest but also challenge yourself. If something goes wrong just know that you should never give up and keep pushing forward. Mistakes I would not advise freshmen are to procrastinate and have distractions and put off assignments till later. Get things done ahead of time so you don’t stress about it later. Good choices I made that I advise them to make sure to always follow the rules, show up to class, and always be on your best behavior.” 


SHS senior Health Academy, Raya Bhuiyan, shares similar thoughts stating, “Advice I would give an incoming freshman is to choose wisely before choosing what track they take whether IB or Health. Mistakes I made that I would advise freshmen not to make are not to be quiet in class, this is your chance to speak to new people and really getting to know your teacher will benefit you further on in highschool. Some good choices I made that I advise them to do is to take AP courses. AP courses open up a world of higher leveled material while giving you the opportunity to get college credit and boost your GPA.” 


High school is a chance to learn and grow, while having fun and continuing to be a child. Take advantage of all the opportunities SHS has to offer, and make the most out of the time you have here. At any point you feel that you are not making full use of your potential and resources, just know that you can reach out to a friend, teacher, or administrator to help you get back on track. Good luck Noles!