Krisha Patel

Coach Cox having a blast at a Seminole Water Polo game.

Romina Ariannejad, Reporter

A notorious role model within Seminole High School (SHS) is unfortunately taking his leave. Many students on campus admire this teacher and look up to him. His reputation and legacy will never be forgotten. Many could say it is just not SHS without him. Both as a teacher and coach, Woody Cox has left a great impact on the school. 


Regarding his leave, Cox states: “As teachers and coaches, we truly do not know the impact that we have on our students and school until years later when they have grown up to become successful leaders of their generation. I decided to leave Seminole because I was offered the head football coaching job at Colonial High School. I accepted the job because I love challenges, and this will allow me to expand on my abilities in both the classroom and the football field.” 


Cox is someone students look up to in the classroom and out on the field. Due to his top coaching and teaching, a job with great opportunity has been offered to him. Cox was offered a new job as “the head football coach at Colonial High School in Orlando” and he will also “be teaching PE and a Digital Multimedia Class.”


One admirable trait about Cox is the unbreakable connection he has with each of his students. The strong bonds he has been able to form are because of his own children. Having children has opened his eyes into a completely new paradigm of relations among teachers and their students: “My kids have had a huge impact on me and my 8 years here at Seminole. They have challenged me to grow and explore new ways of connecting with them. They have shown me the importance of patience, perseverance, and grit. The number of issues they go through shows me that one day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike us as the most beautiful.” 


His experience at SHS has allowed him to form unforgettable connections. He says, “My favorite aspect of Seminole is the lifelong connections I have made here. I have truly made friends for life in many ways.” 


Cox continues to explain that “being a teacher and coach at Seminole has been an incredible opportunity. I will miss all of the friends I have made and the students I get to teach.”


He explains that he was torn when offered the job at Colonial: “Coach Wiggins gave me a shot to come over from Lyman and it has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. I have learned how to become a better teacher and coach every year. I have been given responsibilities and opportunities to grow in a multitude of ways, I have gotten married and had two boys here. I have truly gotten to grow up and become the man I am today because of Seminole.”  


Despite his leave, many at SHS admire Cox for the amazing legacy he has left behind and acknowledge him as an unforgettable influence! 


Good luck Coach Cox, and as the saying goes ‘Once a Nole, Always a Nole!’