
Despite recent hate crimes in America we should embrace diversity​.

As a country of millions, we must stand together and embrace diversity.

Megana Vonguru, Reporter

2016 has been the year when fear of racism has turned into reality for many Americans following a rise of hate crimes. Within 10 days of the election of President-elect Donald Trump, 867 cases of “hateful harassment or intimidation” have been reported. With Trump being sworn into office in January, people are worried about what the presidency will do to America’s social atmosphere. 

Though not all Trump supporters are participating in these types of crimes, it still makes those who don’t support Trump wary of the political intentions of Trump supporters. People of color are especially fearful. Trump has continually insulted African Americans, Muslims, Latinos, and immigrants. By doing this, he has stirred up hatred towards these people.

In a society where racism is still intact, a president who insults and vows to alienate people of color will only worsen the existing divide within the country.

Trump’s comments such as those calling Mexicans “rapists and drug dealers” have offended a great number of people.  

Senior Marisa Norzagaray said, “I think it’s absolutely disgusting. I’m Latino and to insinuate that all of us are like this is horrifying. There are bad people from all places. Saying that we only contribute to crime rates in America makes me very angry.”

Trump’s words have started a revolution between those who believe that not only Mexicans, but immigrants are adding to America’s problems. There have been many instances where all Mexicans are being assumed to be illegal. In a Boston attack, two Trump supporters beat and urinated on a homeless Mexican man. The common belief that immigrants are stealing American jobs or just being lazy has led to many fights.

One of the most fearful groups of people are Muslim Americans. Due to the nature of recent terrorist attacks such as the Pulse shooting and the Ohio State stabbing, many Muslim Americans have been alienated and distrusted by Americans.

Senior Duaa Malik said, “When I go to the airport, random security checks are placed on my family. I’ve been told by people to go back to where I came from— I should have told them that I was born in Georgia.”

There have been many reports of people attacking Muslims. In one instance, a Trump supporter in Florida lit a mosque on fire. The perpetrator said, “All forms of Islam is[sic] radical and that all Muslims are terrorists and criminals.” In addition, Americans confuse those who wear turbans to be Muslim. A Sikh man was brutally attacked and had his hair cut off by those who believed him to be a terrorist.

We should not be in the situation where one’s ethnicity causes them to fear leaving the safety of their home. As a country of diversity, we should accept those of every background. We need to get past our political differences to come together and create an inclusive environment.