Seminole’s Spring Break

Gwyneth Katker

Spring break has come to a close, this year with the pandemic it was not a normal spring break for most. Less traveling and interactions but everyone seemed to make the most out of it.

Sejal Mohan, Reporter

Just recently, the students, faculty, and staff at Seminole High School had their spring break. In a school year littered with so many changes and uncertainties, the break was a much-needed reprieve. It is crucial that time spent working and studying should be met with time for relaxation in order to keep the productive pace when school resumes. Hanging out with friends or going to new places are some ways people may wind down and detach from the routine of school or work during spring break. Usually, Florida gains visit from many people- both in state and out of state- traveling to its beaches, theme parks, and other attractions. Despite the circumstances with COVID-19, traveling still occurred to maximize fun experiences with safety precautions. 

Senior Neal Chauhan thinks “Spring break is an incredible time for relaxation through the extremely trying times such as these along with the typical school stress from end-of-quarter exams to individual stresses of IB, AP classes, and the Health Academy.”

Some people may use this break to get ahead on their work for the next quarter. Yet with some exams canceled, many have utilized more free time to relax and go out. People may still desire to travel to attractions in different locations, but with the threat of the virus and the probability of crowded beaches and theme parks, most may stay at home, catch up on TV shows, and get some extra sleep. Others may choose to meet with a few friends to have fun while social distancing. Let’s hear from a few SHS students about their spring break.

Senior Chandana Karumanchi says “Over break, I ensured to relax and try new things since we could not travel this year. My family and I also spent a lot of evenings playing board games like Carrom. I also planned ahead for my classes and took time to relax and catch up on my favorite Netflix shows.”

Chauhan said “For my spring break, I spent some time at home, but the majority of my break was spent in the Florida Keys with some family friends. I got to snorkel, jet ski, and go to the beach. It was an opportunity to experience a lot of new things and see new places. However, I recognized COVID was not gone and took the necessary precautions such as wearing masks and social distancing as much as possible.”

Spring break can also be dangerous, with excessive drinking and partying leading to a possibility of injury, not to mention the spread of the virus now. Identified cases for Seminole County have gone down since January, but worldwide cases have been increasing rapidly since March. It is evident that the traveling or contact from all the spring break experiences contributed to the spread of the virus. 

Karumanchi also thinks “Spring break should be very controlled and safe. I don’t think people who traveled far across the US abided by the rules since it risks the lives of people they interact with on those trips and back home. We should try our best to social distance and wear masks over spring break so we do not spread variants and so that we keep the unvaccinated population safe so we can get back to normal life in the near future.” 

Even though people may be too excited for an opportunity to have fun to follow guidelines, it is important to remember that we are in the middle of a pandemic. Despite the assurance of vaccination for people we know, it is still essential to wear masks and social distance.