Katherine Lachcik, Reporter

The sun has helped power our world for years, and now SunEdison makes that energy even more available to us.
Photo By: Brea Jones, Photographer

By: Katherine Lachcik, Reporter

On February 24, 2015, renewable energy company, SunEdison, unveiled its ambitious plan to bring power and electricity to at least 20 million people by the end of the decade. The corporation plans to do this by establishing various renewable energy devices such as solar pumps, micropower stations, and solar panels in impoverished regions around the world.

SunEdison has become one of the largest international renewable energy companies in the world with over 1,000 on-the-ground operation sites globally and with headquarters in the United States, Europe, and Asia. Throughout its long existence, it has generated over 7,014, 552, 464.05 kilowatt-hours of electricity, which is a unit of energy equal to one kilowatt expended over one hour. With this huge international presence, company employees and advocates are optimistic that they can achieve their goal of bringing energy to 20 million people by the end of the decade.

Over the years, the company has consulted with world leaders to combat climate change; delivered systems of renewable energy to cities and villages worldwide; and raised funds for renewable energy projects. Recently, for instance, SunEdison has pledged to give renewable electricity to a rural village of 7,800 in India.

Freshman Iffat Nawsheen says, “I think [SunEdison] will probably help a lot of people get better access to energy and power, but there’s still a lot to be done to give everyone access.”

Admittedly, the company’s plan to bring power to 2o million is regarded by several people as their most grand and far-reaching endeavor yet. Some skeptics have stated that the undertaking only benefits a small portion of the 1.3 billion people living without electricity worldwide. However, the company is planning on concentrating their renewable energy apparatuses in those underdeveloped areas that have the greatest deficiencies in energy sources.

Freshman Aidan Furlong says, “I think that if the company acts quickly, it should probably reach a lot of people. It sounds like they’re being really ambitious though, so it can likely reach millions of people.”

Since its beginning in 1959, SunEdison has undertaken several international projects that aim to bring electricity and renewable energy to people living in underdeveloped or rural areas. On April 22, 2015, the company announced a plan to convert a large landfill in Winchendon, Massachusetts to a solar power plant that can generate 2.6 megawatts of power for people living in the area.

Sophomore James Rimmer says, “I think the best part is that people’s lives in poor countries will be improved. I don’t know much about the company, but it sounds like a good idea.”

While SunEdison’s goal is highly assertive and large-scale, their technological capability and past achievements make it evident that the project can be undertaken with at least relative success. The company’s venture into providing millions with energy, although it will undoubtedly take years to complete, will hopefully improve the lives of people living in dire conditions for years to come.