The time has come again for the annual homecoming parade! Students and teachers from all over the county join together for one celebration.
After a long week of different homecoming dress up days, Seminole High School (SHS) had many participating groups in this year’s parade. Some of which included the salmagundi yearbook squad, sending sunshine, and the lady noles volleyball team. The parade began on first street, and every group walked along the strip of shops showing off school spirit. Over 40 groups participated, with one of the highlights being the pride of the tribe, the band squad. They played a variety of tunes and fight songs as they paraded along the road.

The parade began at 5:00 pm, and lasted about two hours until every group was finished. It consisted of different colorful banners made by each group, and even some creative choreographed dances made up. The SHS dazzler squad lined the streets with different kicks and turns, and the chorus team also showed off some moves with their own choreo and dance. The parade was a way to bring the community closer together, and it did just that.
The core reason for this event was to celebrate every participating member of the homecoming court. Every member rode in cars, in their best dresses and suits. The anticipation to reveal who rose to victory has been rising throughout the student body, and will be revealed at the homecoming football game.
This is just the start of homecoming season, as the Homecoming football game will be held on October fourth and the actual dance will be on the fifth. So get ready students to show off your best dance moves in your nicest apparel, and happy homecoming!