Renee Sang

Seminole sports other than football should receive more recognition for their achievements.

Malavika Kannan, Reporter

For years, SHS has boasted a proud tradition of athletic excellence in its 50 individual sports teams. In the past year alone, its basketball teams dominated district playoffs, the track and field team competed at the state level, and the water polo team represented SHS well at the districts competition. It is important that all athletes get their applause. However, only one sport is consistently recognized: football.

This year, Seminole High School held several sports pep rallies during lunch and in the gym, and all of them were held in honor of football. An effort was made to recognize the swim team during Winter Week, and while this is an important first step in ensuring athletic equality, there is still a long way to go.

Furthermore, sports such as bowling rarely have their achievements recognized on NDN or over the intercom all year.

Leadership, which is in charge of planning pep rallies, recognizes this issue as well. “We try to [acknowledge] what’s in season, and who’s done the best. In the past we even once recognized bowling, so it’s not always just about football,” says Jocelyn Correa.

Football has always been a traditional high school sport in America, despite the fact that it’s dangerous and typically only played by males. The essence of football spirit focuses on masculinity and roughness, as opposed to the finesse and skill embodied by sports like swimming and tennis. Excessive focus on such a sport, despite its wild popularity, may be detrimental to students’ perception of athletics and skill.

“People like seeing sports where people can hit each other, and they think that boys are stronger and more interesting to watch, even though girls’ [lacrosse] involves a lot more skill,” says freshman Elyse Larson, a member of Varsity Lacrosse.

Another problem is the lack of enthusiasm for girls in sports. It is the year 2016, and yet women are still a minority in sports, battling a deeply ingrained mentality that sports are for “men”— a mentality only reinforced by selective recognition of football.

Larson adds, “Girls’ lacrosse is always being overshadowed by boys’ lacrosse— and compared to football, no [lacrosse] is very popular at all.”

It is crucial that all sports— whether played by boys or girls, whether they involve strength or skill, are equally important.

“Each team requires the same amount of effort and the same amount of time is necessary to practice. Even though some sports aren’t as physical as football, it requires a commitment from each athlete,” says Head of Athletic Department Sue Gladman.

The solution is relatively simple- the achievements of each sports team should be consistently announced on NDN. The school could also help coordinate more sports pep rallies for other teams. Pep rallies that are traditionally only for football should also showcase the athletes of other sports.

Recognizing the achievements of all of Seminole High’s sports teams is necessary  because it will continue to inspire teams to put forth their utmost effort to represent SHS well. Furthermore, it will continue to uphold Seminole’s legacy as a well-rounded school.