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Quiet Neighborhood Rumbles: A woman gets arrested in front of her children.

Summer of 06’, no one expected such a thing in a quiet neighborhood.  Loud yells and screams, and things being thrown. She walks outside her room and her mom sais “Get the kids, we’re going to the police  station, hurry!.” With a befuddled look on her face she does as she is told. But little did they know that he was one step ahead.

“Officer please hurry, this lady is crazy!” he said about her mom, explaining to the officer what had happened. He blocked the door, and no one could get in or out.  As the sirens got closer, her heartbeat got faster. The knock on the door made her heart drop, except his. He smirked a procceded to the door with a serious face.

The police asked question after question. Her mom got arrested, in front of all the kids. Poor Lisseth screaming, “Where’s my mom?!!” Refusing to answer any questions no one would answer or acknowledge her. As the police left with her mom in the back seat, a piece of her heart was slowly and painfully being ripped out. No one knows her pain, and struggles but now she is a better person.

5yrs have passed and she is still standing and still fighting this never ending war.  But she still goes on each day with her hopes high, faith high, and head held high. Not changing who she is. Every day that faint memory haunts her. In her dreams and in her memory.