Summer Job Searching
Summer is right around the corner, which means more free time for students. For those looking for some experience, there are many job opportunities in the summertime. It is best to start researching and filling out required forms now!
April 1, 2021
As summer approaches and COVID-19 vaccines are being administered, more and more places are opening back up to the public. As a result, more staff may be needed in multiple areas close to Seminole High School. This could be the perfect opportunity for students to get some work experience in the safest way since last March. Because we are nearing summer, some employers are preparing to accept applications from students who only want to work from June to August, so it is essential to put your best foot forward and get those applications in soon!
Popular jobs among teenagers include cashiers, stocking shelves, waiting tables, watching kids, and more. It is recommended that you try to find something you enjoy doing so that working a job does not become a chore! For example, if you like children, consider working in childcare in a job such as babysitting. Getting a job related to schoolwork can be beneficial to you as well.
Senior Claire Fosburgh had a job as a math tutor last summer. She says “Being an algebra tutor even helped remind me of some concepts, which was nice.”
Some places that may have jobs available in the surrounding area that might interest Seminole High School students are the Sanford Chick-fil-A, a new rolled ice cream and boba store in Lake Mary (Ice Spot), a new Soho Juice Bar on Lake Mary Blvd, and the new TopGolf location in Lake Mary. There are so many places you could apply to, and all you have to do is call and inquire about jobs for high school students over summer break!
It is easier than you may think to find a job with hours that work for you; simply searching “summer jobs for teens” on Google will bring up an array of results that will help you narrow down what you want to do and provide an easy system to submit applications through. It is additionally recommended to go in person to ask for an application so they remember your face and name, but with the Coronavirus still being a limiting factor in everyday life, online submissions and inquiries may be preferred.
You can also find jobs through people you interact with in everyday life, such as teachers, family members, and friends.
Fosburgh says “Getting the job [as a tutor] was not difficult because the principal of my former school knew the girls needed a tutor and recommended me to their grandfather, who hired me.”
Some jobs may ask for resumes and references, and as inexperienced workers, high school students often struggle to gather this information. For a resume, it is important to include any past work experiences, and can be beneficial to list extracurriculars, volunteer work, and scholarly accomplishments relevant to the job you are applying to so you stand out to prospective employers. References are people that employers can contact about your work abilities and experience, so if you haven’t had a job before, consider listing coaches, volunteer supervisors, or even teachers as references.
If you value the experience enough, summer jobs can even turn into more permanent employment. Senior Robert Thomas wanted to get a job so [he] started working for Panera and then ended up keeping the job for two years. Working for a local establishment can teach a lot of valuable lessons as well as earn you a bit of extra cash for the summer!
Thomas says “I learned the value of customer service and being polite to people even when they are rude [and] how to work hard to make money.”
If you need ideas of jobs you might want to seek out, there are plenty of lists online and if you pay a little extra attention, you may notice some “For Hire” signs posted at your favorite local establishment!